This permanent mount in ground post Independence charcoal grill by Broilmaster is make a great addition to any outdoor cookout. With many features to perfect the desired temperature and control it for hours on end while smoking meats or crank it up and sear some steaks.
- C3 Series Charcoal Grill Head
- Stainless Steel In-Ground Post *
- 2 Stainless Side Shelves *
- Stainless Steel Air Control System
- Left & Right Air Intake On Front Panel
- Dual Function Daisy Wheel Smoke Vent On Top
- Insulated Front Access Black Stainless Steel Tilt Open Doors
- 1/4" Cast Aluminum Grill Body *
- Easy To Clean Slide Out Charcoal Ash Tray
- Adjustable Stainless Rod Cooking Grids *
- Precision Probe Heat Thermometer
- 442 Square Inches Of Actual Cooking Area
- Infrared Ceramic Glass Panel For Flash Searing And Vaporizing Drippings To Maintain Moisture
- Stainless Firebox Divider For Indirect Cooking And Cooking At Different Temperatures From On Side To The Other
- Stainless Foldout Warming Rack For Extending The Cooking Area *
- Stainless Steel Griddle For Bacon, Eggs, Blackening, etc
* Lifetime Warranty
Optional cooking accessories to optimize the Broilmaster charcoal grill |

Ceramic Glass Infrared Panel

Firebox Divider Plate

Warming Rack

Stainless Griddle